1#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
5pub enum Error {
6 #[error("{0}")]
8 Anyhow(#[from] anyhow::Error),
9 #[error(transparent)]
11 Abi(#[from] zabi::result::Error),
12 #[error(transparent)]
14 BinaryReader(#[from] wasmparser::BinaryReaderError),
15 #[error("Buffer overflow: {0}, the limit of the binary buffer is 0x6000.")]
17 BufferOverflow(usize),
18 #[error("Control stack underflow")]
20 ControlStackUnderflow,
21 #[error("Data not found in data setction, offset {0}, size {1}")]
23 DataNotFound(i32, usize),
24 #[error("Function {0} already exists in jump table")]
26 DuplicateFunc(u32),
27 #[error("Program counter {0} already exists in jump table")]
29 DuplicateJump(u16),
30 #[error("External function not found in jump table")]
32 ExtFuncNotFound,
33 #[error("Function {0} not found in jump table")]
35 FuncNotFound(u32),
36 #[error("Function {0} not imported")]
38 FuncNotImported(String),
39 #[error("Host function {0}::{1} not found in compiler")]
41 HostFuncNotFound(String, String),
42 #[error("Imported Function {0} not found in jump table")]
44 ImportedFuncNotFound(u32),
45 #[error("Invalid else block for if block at {0}")]
47 InvalidElseBlock(u16),
48 #[error("Invalid function signature")]
50 InvalidFunctionSignature,
51 #[error("Invalid local index {0}")]
53 InvalidLocalIndex(usize),
54 #[error("Invalid memory pointer {0}")]
56 InvalidMP(u8),
57 #[error("Invalid program counter {0}")]
59 InvalidPC(usize),
60 #[error("Invalid data offset {0}")]
62 InvalidDataOffset(i32),
63 #[error("Invalid data size {0}")]
65 InvalidDataSize(usize),
66 #[error("Invalid contract stack frame depth {0}")]
68 InvalidDepth(usize),
69 #[error("Invalid function selector")]
71 InvalidSelector,
72 #[error("Invalid frame label")]
74 LabelMismatch,
75 #[error("Local index in function is out of range")]
77 LocalIndexOutOfRange,
78 #[error("Local variable {0} is not on stack")]
80 LocalNotOnStack(usize),
81 #[error("Memory index is out of range")]
83 MemoryOutOfBounds,
84 #[error("Function selector is not found.")]
86 SelectorNotFound,
87 #[error("Stack index is out of range {0}, max is 255 (0x400)")]
89 StackIndexOutOfRange(u16),
90 #[error("Stack overflow, max is 1024 stack items, but add {1} to {0}")]
92 StackOverflow(u16, u16),
93 #[error("Stack underflow, current stack items {0}, expect at least {1}")]
95 StackUnderflow(u16, u16),
96 #[error("Stack not balanced, current stack items {0}")]
98 StackNotBalanced(u16),
99 #[error("Unsupported host function {0:?}")]
101 UnsupportedHostFunc(crate::wasm::HostFunc),
104pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;